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Search Results (294)

Identifying mechanisms linking stress biology to human breast cancerGrant Why?
Mis-translation as a new mechanism of stress response in biologyGrant Why?
Mis-translation as a new mechanism of stress response in biologyGrant Why?
Sosnick, Tobin R.Person Why?
McClintock, MarthaPerson Why?
Conzen, SuzannePerson Why?
Chemistry and biology of reactive oxygen species in signaling or stress responses.Academic Article Why?
The AURORA Study: a longitudinal, multimodal library of brain biology and function after traumatic stress exposure.Academic Article Why?
Pan, TaoPerson Why?
Effects of chronic pubertal stressors on mammary gland biology and cancer riskGrant Why?
Correction: The AURORA Study: a longitudinal, multimodal library of brain biology and function after traumatic stress exposure.Academic Article Why?
Long-term benefits of dog ownership: Effects on stress and social behaviorGrant Why?
Jacobson, KristenPerson Why?
Drummond, D. AllanPerson Why?
Pincus, DavidPerson Why?
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  • stress
  • biology
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